Terms of service

Terms of service

<Terms of service>
Photographs, illustrations, audio, video and articles posted on this website (“the Website”) are subject to copyright and protected under the Copyright Act. Reproduction or other use without permission except as appropriate and permitted under the Copyright Act, such as for personal use or reference, is prohibited.

Osaka Prefecture makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on the Website. However, Osaka Prefecture accepts no liability whatsoever for any actions of the user using the information on the Website. Osaka Prefecture accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage the user may incur in connection with accessing the Osaka Prefecture website.

Linking to the Website is in principle freely permitted. Please use the inquiry form to notify Osaka Prefecture of the URLs of the page(s) to which you wish to link and of the pages(s) from which you wish to link. Osaka Prefecture may request that you delete such links if the administrator of the Website deems that the content of the linking website is inappropriate, such as content that is illegal or contrary to public order and morals. Please note that the content of the Website is subject to change or deletion, and its URL is subject to change, without notice.