A city where new businesses are born.
Global Financial
City Osaka
City Osaka
Osaka aims to be an edgy global financial city with an unique character and functionality.
Osaka’s attractiveness in figures | ||
Advantageous business costs
(when the crimpers are set at 100)
※Show figures for Hong Kong and Singapore compared to the average wage in Japan.
Source: 2021 Basic Survey on Wage Structure, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.MOM「Occupational Wages 2021」 Key Statistics on Women and Men in Hong Kong 2019″ published by the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government |
Ranking highly as one of the world’s most liveable cities
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit 2024
Among Top 10 most attractive cities in the world.
Source: Condé Nast Traveler 2022
A traditional commercial city where the ‘give it a go’ spirit is firmly rooted. The people of Osaka are warm, friendly, cheerful, and energetic.
The life sciences, environment and energy, and tourism industries are particularly developed.
The city boasts an excellent living environment, with a consistently high ranking in the “World’s Most Liveable Cities” list.
The largest city in western Japan. The city is a busy gateway for people from all over the world and has good access to national railways.
Osaka was the centre of the Japanese economy and was known as the ‘kitchen of the nation’, where many world-famous companies and entrepreneurs were born.
Osaka is a world-famous tourist destination and an attractive tourist area with good access to Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama and Kobe.